
My Story From Fat To Fit

I’m always embarrassed to show this photos. This is me when I was 41 years old. I ate meat, ate too much, drank too much alcohol, never exercised and lived a very unhealthy lifestyle. I weighed 213 pounds, I was obese, had high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I was on my way to major health problems and an early death. The photo at the top of the page is of me at 56 years old after completing my 2020 shred. I’m now vegan, I eat a healthy diet, I don’t drink alcohol, and I exercise regularly. I no longer have any medical problems and don’t take any medications. Since becoming vegan, I feel like I’ve found the fountain of youth. I feel great and am in the best shape of my life! I’m able to do any activities I want anytime I want. I enjoy weightlifting, running, biking, kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing, and walking my dog daily. I just bought a paddleboard for this summer so now I’ll be able to kayak and paddleboard.


I’m an accomplished speaker and have earned the Distinguished Toastmaster award. If you are not familiar with Toastmasters, it’s an organization to help people become better speakers and leaders. I speak to groups about my FitVegan.Life story. 

Learn more about FitVegan.Life

David Lampe


Welcome to the FitVegan.Life blog! I will be posting my favorite recipes, tools that help my lifestyle and information I find interesting about fitness, health

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