
Vegan Health

Vegan Food

Eating food that promotes a healthy lifestyle is very important to me. Vegan food helps me to control my weight and have all around good health. The best type of vegan diet is a whole foods plant based diet and I try to eat whole unprocessed foods as much as possible. However, I do enjoy some vegan junk food now and then.

Before I became a fit and healthy vegan, I was overweight and was on cholesterol medication. I also had high blood pressure. A healthy vegan diet has helped me to obtain a healthy weight, normal cholesterol and normal blood pressure. The only pill I take now is one multivitamin each morning.

Below you will find some of my favorite recipes, vegan food bloggers and vegan health resources.

Healthy Vegan Recipes

Visit the FitVegan.Life Blog for more healthy vegan recipes

Healthy Vegan Equipment

Visit the FitVegan.Life Blog for more healthy vegan equipment

Health Resources

David Lampe

Healthy Diet Excuses

We all make excuses to keep from eating a healthy diet. Here are some tips to help you stop making excuses.

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Visit the FitVegan.Life Blog for more resources